This blog is all about the public sector and my thoughts and viewpoints as a public servant. It's my way of venting and interpreting things through my reality. So, rather than sit quiet and let it hit the fan, I decided its time to put people and departments on blast. It's my therapy. Its unabashed, unabridged and uncensored. It's all real. Read and find out. You may be enlightened, disgusted, impressed or indifferent. You decide...

Thursday, May 26, 2005


Just got back from class and now I can lay here in bed and wonder how my interview actually went...

How do I feel?


Just a few words that come to mind.


Luckily, when asked if there were any other quesstions, I asked the following question:
"what critical leadership attributes do you think a new leader should possess?"

This question gave me hope. It made me feel good knowing that there was criteria for selection and that it was not as subjective as I assumed it to be (they actually pulled out a list of attributes that they were looking for). They were looking for specific buzz words and examples (as they should) and hopefully my fellow interviewees--as well as myself---were able to answer correctly.

I am ambivalent. Really, I am. I like my job. It's a job of authority yet without all the added responsibilty. I just don't want to be complacent where I am now. I should be challenged and seek challenges to keep me on my toes. That's why this leadership position would be good for me. Take me outta my comfort zone. See how I manage change and handle resistance. Test all my knowledge and experience. Lead, motivate and enable them to succeed.

I know a lot of business theories and models.....let's just see if I can apply them.

Im relieved its over.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Taking the plunge....

Yes, I am taking the plunge.
No, I will not be like "them".
I will strive to be different.

What differentiates me from them?
I can think outside the box.
I problem solve for the whole not for myself.
I can say "I dont know", "Thank you" and "Good Job".
I lead.
I motivate.
I encourage.
I enable you to succeed.