Sometimes all we need is recognition. Sometimes we just want to know that we are doing a good job and appreciated.
Management needs to realize that it can be the simple things that can really make a difference.
Start with a simple Thank You. That phrase is not said enough. Give positive feedback immediately. Don't wait till you have to give a performance review. Work towards creating a positive, supportive environment.
The working environment and its members are more advanced. The leadership style that the public sector practices must change to accommodate the ever changing workplace. Micro-management must stop. Trust and respect should be re-established. The rules should be redefined and enforced.
The job of a good manager is to enable the staff to succeed. The keyword is enable.
This cannot be done if the staff does not respect, trust or support the leaders in charge.
Motivate and encourage your staff. Take a walk in their shoes. See what it feels like to man the phones on a busy day or even the window or counter helping irrate people.
Change can happen, even if in itty bitty baby steps.