All quiet on the western front....
Been pretty quiet here in my twisted world.
Just found out that a new person that was doing something deceitful (and illegal) was asked to resign (and was placed on PAID administrative leave while they decided his plight). Not fired, but asked to resign.
Not only is it difficult to get fired in the public sector but if they do decide to do it, you may get put in PAID administrative leave first)....I did say PAID, right? Ok, just checking.
The other people are adjusting rather well. They have not been infected with the bad habits or viewpoints of some of the others. I love that the newbies want to learn and do new things. Love it. I think that it shows real promise for the future of the workplace.
Our side of the organization still has not instilled the mandatory dress code. I think that it is interesting that one part of the organization can enforce the rules and we can just say that we dont want least not just yet.
What else? Tonight was the last and final Debates. I am hoping and praying that everyone makes the right decision about voting out Bush. Not going to get onto my political soapbox but things have to change regarding so many issues. Nuff said about that.