New Years Resolutions 2005
Top 5 Resolutions I think would help the public sector:
5. Establish realistic deadlines: Why have projects, meetings or a vision if your
timeline is not realistic? Sometimes I think that we have meetings just to say that we are
doing something productive and useful.
4. Enforce the policies: If there are rules, policies, and procedures written and provided
to the staff, then they should be enforced. What good is there to have a dress code policy,
a code of conduct, or even an attendance policy if it is not enforced and consistent?
3. Empower the staff: Yeah, I know. The whole abuse issue. But you can not let that stop
you from empowering the staff to make knowledgeable decisions without asking for your
help every time. Those who are confident will embrace empowerment. Those that
fear conflict or do not want accountability will still and always will ask for your assistance.
Make your job easier as a supervisor, manager or leader. Let your staff know the fine line
of empowerment and decision making. Make them feel that they are important,
knowledgeable and able to make sound decisions.
2. Change your reputation: If you hear that your office is notorious for not answering the
phones, then work towards changing that negative image. If the clerks, admin person, or
supervisor have behavior problems, then identify those specific problems and make the
change for the better. We will all get along together and with the public if everyone thinks
that we are capable, knowledgeable, helpful and resourceful workers.
1. Support, Encourage, Motivate: Let your staff know that they are appreciated. Pat
them on the back. Say Thank You. Let them know that they are valued. Sometimes it is
the little things that make the day go by that much quicker....
Happy new year.