This blog is all about the public sector and my thoughts and viewpoints as a public servant. It's my way of venting and interpreting things through my reality. So, rather than sit quiet and let it hit the fan, I decided its time to put people and departments on blast. It's my therapy. Its unabashed, unabridged and uncensored. It's all real. Read and find out. You may be enlightened, disgusted, impressed or indifferent. You decide...

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Make a wish

I'm just curious...
If you can change one thing about your workplace, what would it be? ....and why?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would change the person I report to. Working for a total idiot is demoralizing, and quite frankly makes it extremely difficult to do my job effectively. I can not lead when governed by a lazy do nothing boss. Why it isnt obvious by now speaks volumes about the current leadership in the organization and indicates a fractured adminstrative body.

I would also change some of the people around me, move them to areas where they wouldn't feel so smug might become humbled by having to learn something new and couldn't be so cocky.
Change breeds new life into a stagnant work environment. If you maintain a pond, or thriving ecological environment you would know what I mean. You must change some of the water sometimes in order for it to flourish, neglect that and the life of the pond begins to diminish beginning with the fish.

2:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would get to easily fire all the people who don't do much work and ride other's coattails. Make people more accountable for what they do and give them more decision-making power.

2:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Change the attitudes, the mindset and the favoritism.

Start everyone on an equal playing field...and then WEED out the BAD SEEDS!

3:01 PM


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