This blog is all about the public sector and my thoughts and viewpoints as a public servant. It's my way of venting and interpreting things through my reality. So, rather than sit quiet and let it hit the fan, I decided its time to put people and departments on blast. It's my therapy. Its unabashed, unabridged and uncensored. It's all real. Read and find out. You may be enlightened, disgusted, impressed or indifferent. You decide...

Monday, August 30, 2004


Is it right to be "punished" for doing a good job?

If I am an employee and I work efficiently and effectively, should I have to do other duties and tasks (outside of my work detail) just because I am finished with all of my work? Is it fair that just because I am finished with all of my work, and even some of tomorrows work, that I should be given more work to do just to pass the time?

Let's think about that....

For doing my job efficiently, I am now doing more work than my counterparts. Is this reallly fair? Just because I can do my job expeditiously, I now have to help other departments that are behind in their work.

So now I help others who are behind in their work. Will the people or person that I am helping, resent me for assisting them in their job? Will they resent me or consider me a "kiss ass"?

Why is it that I am always done with my job and many others are not?

An easy solution would be to take my sweet time and stretch my day. Isn't this what everyone else does? ...or is everyone just inefficient?

I think that I am being punished.
I am being punished for doing my job well.
I am being punished for being stupid and letting everyone know that I am done.

I should know better, right. After all, I have been working for the public sector for 5yrs...

Didn't I say that it usually takes about a year for an employee to turn into the stereotypical worker? What happened to me?


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