This blog is all about the public sector and my thoughts and viewpoints as a public servant. It's my way of venting and interpreting things through my reality. So, rather than sit quiet and let it hit the fan, I decided its time to put people and departments on blast. It's my therapy. Its unabashed, unabridged and uncensored. It's all real. Read and find out. You may be enlightened, disgusted, impressed or indifferent. You decide...

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Its all good

New employees bring new ideas (or at least regurgitated, reinvented or recycled ones). What better way to begin your career than to think outside of the box and try to bring about change? Change in the environment is always good. I like it. I think it is refreshing.

New people always bring about a smile to my face. New job, new opportunities and new start. New ideas....always a good thing.

So, now every other Friday we are going to have a "social" --complete with a theme and specific food(s). What a grand idea! Let the newbies spearhead this agenda. Let them have the ideas and work the magic and creativity. Yeah, yeah, yeah, its been done before. But it lost steam and now is being brought back to life. Oh Happy Day!

What better way to spark employee morale! What better way to encourage participation and cohesiveness within a group or social setting! Hats off to you!

This will be four dollars well spent. Four dollars can't buy much but for bringing back the "Friday Goodies" it's well worth it.


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